Denver Child Support Attorney

Helping You Navigate the Child Support System in Jefferson, Douglas, Arapahoe, and Adams Counties

Married parents living together naturally split household expenses and childrearing costs, but they must separate their lives and expenses when they divorce. 

Paying child support can be not easy with two sets of household expenses replacing a single set of costs, but the child’s needs still must be met, and this often results in one parent paying child support.

At Curtis Law Firm, we have over a decade of experience helping clients navigate the law. Our family law attorneys show passionate dedication to representing families in Denver, Colorado.

 We will treat you and your family with the respect and dignity you deserve, especially when negotiating something as important as a child support agreement. 

Whether you have questions about how the court might calculate child support or how you can deal with the other parent, a qualified attorney at Curtis Law Firm can help you, and your child gets the support you deserve. 

Schedule an initial consultation to learn about what you need to know for your Denver child support proceeding. Give us a call at (720) 408-7726 or contact us online.


If it wasn’t for Cory, I don’t think my case would’ve gone good like it did.
Dania C.

Calculating Child Support in Denver

The Colorado Child Support Guidelines help determine the appropriate calculations of child support payments to be made. 

The child support guidelines consider several factors to make these calculations, including:

  • monthly gross incomes of both parents (including any spousal alimony awarded to one parent);
  • parenting time (including overnights) allocated to each parent;
  • standard of living children would have enjoyed if the parents had not divorced;
  • child-related expenses like health insurance, medical care, education, childcare, etc.;
  • physical and emotional needs of children.

In most cases, child support payments will continue until the children reach the age of 19 or graduate high school, whichever occurs later. In situations involving adult children who cannot support themselves due to a physical or mental disability, child support payments may continue indefinitely.

Note that while child support is determined by the court based on the above guidelines, parents may make agreements for additional expenses, such as school fees, travel expenses, uncovered medical bills, and extras like auto insurance as kids get older. Child support payments are designed to cover the basic needs of children, but there may naturally be other expenses, and parents may need to divide these separately to ensure shared financial responsibility.

Modifying Child Support in Colorado

Once a child support order has been established, it is important to understand that circumstances can change over time. If you or the other parent experiences a significant change in income, job loss, or other life events, it may be necessary to seek a modification of the child support order. Our experienced Denver child support attorneys can help you navigate the process of modifying a child support order to ensure that it accurately reflects your current financial situation.

Reasons for seeking child support modification may include:

  • the child has emancipated (left home) and is no longer living with the person receiving payment;
  • either parent’s income has changed;
  • Loss of employment
  • Change in custody arrangements
  • Healthcare or medical expenses for the child
  • the costs of raising the child have changed (healthcare costs or day-care expenses);
  • the number of overnight visits the child has with the other parent has changed; or

A formal change request needs to be written in a Motion to be filed and submitted to the Court. The Colorado Court will expect to review updated financial information, so income must provide income documentation. Our experienced child support attorneys will guide you through this complicated experience and tell you what changes in child support you can expect based on your changed circumstances. The process usually takes up to 6 months for the Motion to be filed, mandatory mediation to be attended, and a final hearing if no resolution succeeds. 

Can You Negotiate Child Support in Colorado?

Yes, you can negotiate child support in Colorado. However, the amount of child support ultimately ordered by the court will be based on the Colorado Child Support Guidelines. The guidelines consider the incomes of both parents, the number of children, and the time each parent spends with the children. 

If you and your spouse can reach an agreement on child support that is within the guidelines, the court will likely approve your agreement. However, if your agreement is outside the guidelines, the court may not approve it. In that case, the court will order child support based on the guidelines. Negotiating child support can be complicated, but it's important to remember that the goal is to reach an agreement that is fair to both parents and the children.

With the help of our child support attorney, you can increase your chances of getting a successful outcome. Speaking with our attorney to discuss your situation and understand the Colorado Child Support Guidelines is crucial. Our lawyers at our firm can help you negotiate a fair child support agreement and represent you in Denver family court if necessary.

Understanding Support Matters in Colorado Courts

One important divorce issue is how you will support yourself financially in the aftermath. Child support and spousal support will be a critical point of discussion during the divorce proceedings, and Colorado already has legal guidelines in place that can help you and your spouse anticipate the negotiation.

The Colorado Child Support Guidelines are in place to help calculate the child support payments to be made. The guidelines will examine:

  • monthly gross incomes of both parents (including any spousal alimony awarded to one parent);
  • the financial resources of both the custodial and noncustodial parent;
  • parenting time (including overnights) allocated to each parent;
  • standard of living children would have enjoyed if the parents had not divorced;
  • child-related expenses like health insurance, medical care, education, childcare, etc.;
  • physical and emotional needs of children.

Similarly, to determine whether a parent is eligible for alimony, the court may consider the following:

  • each spouse's financial resources, including potential income from separate or marital property;
  • the paying spouse's ability to meet each spouse's financial needs;
  • the spouse's lifestyle during the marriage; the distribution of marital property, including whether additional marital property may be awarded to reduce or alleviate the need for maintenance;
  • both parties' income, employment, and employability, obtainable through reasonable diligence and additional training or education;
  • whether one party has historically earned higher or lower income than the income reflected at the time of permanent orders and the duration and consistency of income from overtime or secondary employment;
  • the length of the marriage;
  • age & health of the parties;
  • monetary and noneconomic contribution to the marriage;
  • whether there is a need by either party for monetary assistance to preserve their financial state in the future;
  • whether or not the maintenance is deductible for federal income tax purposes
  • any other relevant factors.

The court will also examine whether the spouses fall under one of two categories – their combined gross income is $240,000 or less annually or more than $240,000 annually – to proceed with the calculations. Learn more about the specific steps for calculation on our Alimony page.

Schedule an initial consultation to learn about what you need to know for your Denver child support proceeding. Give us a call at (720) 408-7726 or contact us online.

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